【大学全体 ・ 所属別(学部・大学院 ※専攻科生、科目等履修生・特別聴講生・研究生を含む。)】
Number of international students and percentage of female international students【Grand total・by affiliation(faculties・graduate schools
※Includes one-year advanced program students, short-term credited students, visiting students and research students)】
(各年度5月1日現在 : As of May 1 of each fiscal year)
【大学全体 Grand total】
※出典:国際企画課作成「外国人留学生在籍状況」Source: ”International student enrollment status” prepared by International Planning Division
【学部 Faculties】
※出典:国際企画課作成「外国人留学生在籍状況」Source: ”International student enrollment status” prepared by International Planning Division
【大学院 Graduate Schools】
※出典:国際企画課作成「外国人留学生在籍状況」Source: ”International student enrollment status” prepared by International Planning Division