大学院入学者選抜実施状況 Status of graduate school entrance examination
【専門職学位課程・修士課程・博士課程 Professional degree Course,Master’s course, Doctor’s Course】

※出典:各年度の「学校基本調査(文部科学省)」Source: ”School basic survey (MEXT)”each fiscal year

【専門職学位課程 Professional degree Course】
[教職大学院 Master of Education's Course]
・教育学研究科 教育実践創成専攻 Graduate School of Education Advanced Studies on Transforming Educational Practice

・大学院教育学研究科修士課程 Graduatet School of Education Master’s Course

 ※2019(平成31)年度より教育学研究科 教育実践創成専攻(教職大学院)へ改組 FY2019~:Reorganized into a Graduate School of Education Master of Education's Course (Master of Education's Course)

【修士課程 Master's Course】
[大学院医工農学総合教育部 Integrated Graduate School of Medicine, Engineering, and Agricultural Sciences]
・生命医科学専攻 Biomedical Science

[大学院医工農学総合教育部 Integrated Graduate School of Medicine, Engineering, and Agricultural Sciences]
・看護学専攻 Nursing Science

[大学院医工農学総合教育部 Integrated Graduate School of Medicine, Engineering, and Agricultural Sciences]
・工学専攻 Engineering

[大学院医工農学総合教育部 Integrated Graduate School of Medicine, Engineering, and Agricultural Sciences]
・生命環境学専攻 Life and Environmental Sciences

 ※2016(平成28)年度より FY2016(H28)~

【博士課程 Doctor’s Course】

 ※2016(H28)年度:大学院医学工学総合教育部を廃止し、大学院医工農学総合教育部を設置 FY2016(H28):“Department of Education, Integrated Graduate School of Medicine, Engineering”were changed to“Department of Education,Integrated Graduate School of Medicine, Engineering, and Agricultural Sciences‟

※医工農学総合教育部(博士課程)の志願者数及び入学者数は進学者を含む。 The number of applicants and enrollees in the Integrated Graduate School of Medicine, Engineering, and Agricultural Sciences (Doctor’s Course) includes those who go on to higher education.

[大学院医工農学総合教育部 Integrated Graduate School of Medicine, Engineering, and Agricultural Sciences]
・医学専攻 Medical Science(4 年博士課程 Doctor's Course(4 Year's))

[大学院医工農学総合教育部 Integrated Graduate School of Medicine, Engineering, and Agricultural Sciences]
・ヒューマンヘルスケア学専攻 Nursing and Health Science(3 年博士課程 Doctor's Course(3 Year's))

[大学院医工農学総合教育部 Integrated Graduate School of Medicine, Engineering, and Agricultural Sciences]
・工学専攻 Engineering(3 年博士課程 Doctor's Course(3 Year's))

[大学院医工農学総合教育部 Integrated Graduate School of Medicine, Engineering, and Agricultural]
・統合応用生命科学専攻 Integrated Applied Life Science(3 年博士課程 Doctor's Course(3 Year's))

 ※2018(平成30)年度より FY2018(H30)~

[大学院医工農学総合教育部 Integrated Graduate School of Medicine, Engineering, and Agricultural Sciences]
・人間環境医工学専攻 Human Environment Medical Engineering(3 年博士課程 Doctor's Course(3 Year's))

 ※2018(平成30)年度より大学院医工農学総合教育部「統合応用生命科学専攻」へ改組 FY2018(H30)~:Integrated Graduate School of Medicine, Engineering, and Agricultural[Integrated Applied Life Science]

【Graduate Schools(Overall)】

[Overall:Professional degree Course,Master’s course, Doctor’s Course(※Includes students who do not belong to any major)]

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