最低在学年限超過学生数・超過率 (※編入者は除く) 【全体・所属別(学部・大学院)】
Number of students exceeding minimum number of school years・excess rate(※Excluding transfer students)【Grand total・by affiliation (faculties ・ graduate schools)】
※ Number of students who have been enrolled beyond the standard academic year limit among students in each fiscal year
(※Excess rate = Number of students exceeding the academic limit / number of students)
(各年度5月1日現在 : As of May 1 of each fiscal year)
Number of students exceeding minimum number of school years・excess rate
【学部全体 Total of students in all faculties】
※出典:各年度の「学校基本調査(文部科学省)」Source: ”School basic survey (MEXT)”each fiscal year
(※編入者は除くExcluding transfer students)
最低在学年限超過学生数 Number of students exceeding minimum number of school years
【学部別 By faculty】
※出典:各年度の「学校基本調査(文部科学省)」Source: ”School basic survey (MEXT)”each fiscal year
(※編入者は除くExcluding transfer students)
最低在学年限超過学生数・超過率 Number of students exceeding minimum number of school years・excess rate
【大学院全体 Total of all graduate schools】
※出典:各年度の「学校基本調査(文部科学省)」Source: ”School basic survey (MEXT)”each fiscal year
(※編入者は除くExcluding transfer students)
最低在学年限超過学生数 Number of students exceeding minimum number of school years
【大学院(課程別) Graduate schools(by course)】
※出典:各年度の「学校基本調査(文部科学省)」Source: ”School basic survey (MEXT)”each fiscal year
(※編入者は除くExcluding transfer students)