山梨大学 科研費助成事業
University of Yamanashi Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(KAKENHI)

Number of accepted Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(KAKENHI) and amount of grants disbursed

※出典:産学官連携報告書(研究推進・社会連携機構)Source: "Industry-academia-government cooperation report" prepared by Research promotion and Social cooperation organization)

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) average amount per research case

※出典:産学官連携報告書(研究推進・社会連携機構)Source: "Industry-academia-government cooperation report" prepared by Research promotion and Social cooperation organization)

Number of newly accepted Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(KAKENHI) and new selection ratio

※出典:産学官連携報告書(研究推進・社会連携機構)Source: "Industry-academia-government cooperation report" prepared by Research promotion and Social cooperation organization)

Ratio of researchers within 8 years from receiving doctorate and female ratio

※出典:産学官連携報告書(研究推進・社会連携機構)Source: "Industry-academia-government cooperation report" prepared by Research promotion and Social cooperation organization)

今日: 72 昨日: 131
計: 109,993