Number of applicants ・applicants-to-enrollment ratio【Total of students in all faculties ・ by faculty】

(各年度5月1日現在 : As of May 1 of each fiscal year)

志願者数【学部全体】Number of applicants 【Total of students in all faculties 】

志願者数【学部別】Number of applicants【By faculty】

志願倍率【学部全体・学部別】Applicants-to-enrollment ratio【Total of students in all faculties ・ by faculty】

Number of applicants ・applicants-to-enrollment ratio【By faculty ・by gender ・total of students in all faculties】

※出典:各年度の「学校基本調査(文部科学省)」Source: Annual school basic survey (MEXT)

今日: 79 昨日: 131
計: 110,000