Signing ceremony for an interdepartmental exchange agreement between the Rajamangala University of Technology Isan in Thailand and Faculty of Engineering, University of Yamanashi
On Tuesday,May 16, 2023, a signing ceremony for an interdepartmental exchange agreement between Rajamangala University of Technology Isan (RMUTI) and Fuculty of Enginnering, University of Yamanashi was held at the Satoshi Omura Memorial Hall.
The purpose of this exchange agreement is to jointly develop students who will lead the next generation while deepening technical and cultural exchanges between Thailand and Japan through students and faculty exchanges; and to promote an international joint research base in the field of engineering through faculty research exchanges.
At the signing ceremony, Professor Yoshihiro Nakayama, Dean of Fucalty of Engineering, and Mr. Nachaisit, Vice President of RMUTI gave opening remarks, introduced the two universities, and gave an overview of the agreement. Then, Professor Nakayama, and Dr. Charmongkolpradit, Dean of Faculty of Engineering at RMUTI signed the agreement on interdepartmental exchange.
In the future, we plan to exchange approximately 10 faculty members and students each year under this agreement. This program aims to provide students with valuable experience and prospects for future careers, an international perspective, and the experience of international exchange through both direct and indirect cooperation, including technical and cultural exchanges. We anticipate that this will enhance learning, activating and strengthening the educational experience.
- Professor Yoshihiro Nakayama, Dean of Fucalty of Engineering
- Mr. Nachaisit, Vice President of RMUTI
- Dr. Charmongkolpradit, Dean of Faculty of Engineering at RMUTI, and Professor Nakayama
- Memorial photo