480 mineral waters were donated by the Yamanashi Mitsuuroko Co., Ltd.. / Mitsuuroko株式会社捐赠480瓶饮用水

06/17/2020 English

 We greatly appreciate the Yamanashi Mitsuuroko Co., Ltd., (and store manager: Yoshitaka Shimura). a company which located in Chuo City, Yamanashi Prefecture. We received 480 bottles of mineral waters, products of the company. Thank you very much for this donation.
 The donation was made as a gesture of gratitude to the staff of our university hospital who are dealing with the COVID-19.
 We will be energized by these donated products and feelings and continue to strive to provide medical care at the hospital in the future.

 位于山梨县中央市的Mitsuuroko株式会社营业部田富店(志村佳贵 店长)捐赠了该公司生产的480瓶瓶装饮用水。在此表达衷心的感谢。