“Foreign Language Café” organized by Ukrainian exchange students!
On Friday, June 16, 2023, a “Foreign Language Café” was held at the Kofu Campus, organized by Ukrainian exchange students.
Approximately 50 participants, including students, faculty and staff members of our university, as well as general participants, took part in the event.
The Center for Promotion of Internationalization has established the “G-Philos (Global Co-creation Learning Room)” as a place to foster international communication skills, and we conduct various activities such as international exchange events and hosting foreign language cafés. This time, we planned a “Foreign Language Café” with Ukraine as the theme.
During the event, after an overview of Ukraine by Ms. Nina Dzhydzhora, Ms. Polina Pluzhnyk, Ms. Sofia Troshyna, and Ms. Polina Zibert gave presentations in English on the topics of “National Costume,” “Traditional Food,” and “Churches,” respectively.
Lastly, the team quiz competition was held based on the content of the presentations, which created a lively atmosphere in the venue.
The participants showed interest in the students’ presentations and actively asked questions, making it an event where they could not only learn languages but also gain a deeper understanding of other countries and cultures.
- Foreign Language Café
- Presentation
- Group photo with participants
- Ukrainian exchange students
- Event flyer