Face Shields Were Donated by TOKYO GAS YAMANASHI Co., Ltd../东京燃气山梨株式会社捐赠了防护面罩

07/14/2020 English

  We greatly appreciate the TOKYO GAS YAMANASHI Co., Ltd.. (and Representative Director and President Shuji Goryoda). Thank you for donation of 20 face shields.
  These items were donated to Medical schools dealing with the COVID-19 and the University of Yamanashi Hospital for the purpose of helping to prevent infectious diseases.
  We will make effective use of their generosity and continue to strive to prevent infectious diseases.

 此次,东京燃气山梨株式会社(五领田周司 代表理事社长)向我们捐赠了20个防护面罩。在此表示衷心的感谢。